Cold Cuts

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August 16, 2006

The forsaken Breed

Lola the APBT & Ursala the cat

Every year, hundreds of people are mauled by dogs. The most feared of all dogs is obviously the American Pit Bull Terrier. It is very sad to see such incidents take place for both the breed and the people. Sometime in the past 20 years the APBT has steadily grown to be nothing more than a fashionable accessory for thugish hoodlums of all races and walks of life. I find it very pathetic that there are people out there who actually feel tougher or cooler just because they own a pit bull. There must be a lot of insecurities in a man if he has to own a tough looking dog to fill his void. Besides the fact that these people contribute a bad reputation to the breed, worse is obviously the people that pit their dogs in fights. These people are usually malicious, desensitized with very little moral conscious if any at all. These trainers call themselves pros, and claim that this is their sport. I have no problem with a blood sport involving humans, such as extreme fighting, boxing, or tough men contests, because for the most part its the persons choice and death rarely results. On the other hand pit bulls are very loyal to people, and are the third most people friendly dog breed, making them easily trainable for just about anything to make their owners happy, and when it comes to fighting, they don't have a choice, they fight for their owner, because they want to please people anyway they can. If a pit bull loses a fight but survived with its life, most of the time the owner will either, shoot it, stab it, light it on fire, or let it loose in the city. All pit fighting dogs are severely abused growing up from puppy hood, some trainers will steal weaker toy dogs from peoples backyards for their pit bull to kill as part of their training. Then its no wonder why some of these dogs attack humans. Besides attacks coming from actual pit fighting dogs, there are pit bulls who are household pets by fairly responsible owners, who have still attacked people. Is it an evil dog? No, There may be a responsible person, but could be an irresponsible dog owner. Pit Bulls are an extremely high energy dog, they need lots of exercise to let off the pressure, unlike people, dogs don't watch t.v. or have a lot of hobbies to choose from, and a lot of owners leave them locked in the house or the backyard all day which is not a stimulating environment. Along with a lot of exercise the dog must also have rules to live by in its life, if you don't establish yourself as the Alpha leader, the dog will test the limits of everything. So people need to set boundaries for dogs every time they do something undesirable, of course in a non-violent, non aggressive way.
As the Dog Whisperer would put it, in a calm assertive way. The last thing I will cover on the American Pit Bull Terrier goes with all dogs,its about natural selection. Some dogs may develop a sort of aggression when they sense fear in another animal, whether it be a rabbit or a human. In the wild wolves sense fear as a weakness, and kill whatever they sense it in, even another wolf, to ensure the pack consist of the cream of the crop, its simply natural selection. Yes wolves and dogs do have compassion, just not as much as we people do, wolves in a pack do take care of one another, if a wolf in a pack is injured in a hunt the others will feed it and nurse its wounds. So, the lesson on the last subject is, try not to be afraid of dogs, by doing so your telling them your weak and they are in charge. I would like to credit Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer, from who I learned a great deal more about dogs, and suggest to anyone who is interested on such topics to read his book. My sister attended a live seminar and was lucky to get an autographed book which I read after her and found it to be very logical.


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